Val di Funes valley Sunnseitnweg

Easy hike on the Sunnseitnweg in val di Funes valley from San Pietro in the direction of Santa Maddalena

The Sunnseitnweg leads against a picturesque backdrop in the direction of Santa Maddalena
Duration forward run
Height gain

The Sunnseitnweg in val di Funes valley leads in gentle ups and downs from San Pietro in the direction of Santa Maddalena. Along the way, picturesque views of the graceful Geisler peaks open up.


The Sunnseitnweg is well signposted

Route description Sunnseitnweg

The hike on the Sunnseitnweg starts in San Pietro, the sunny main village of the val di Funes valley. Below the parish church there are some parking possibilities.

From the village center you first follow the village street. On the right side of the road, the Sunnseitnweg, which is asphalted at the beginning, branches off shortly afterwards. It leads to the frescoed monument of the plague, which reminds us of the fateful year 1636, when the plague cast its dark shadows on val di Funes valley.

Behind it, it soon changes into a forest and meadow path. It crosses sun-drenched meadows and groves in gentle ups and downs and opens up dreamy views of the graceful val di Funes valley Geisler peaks, one of the most photographed motifs in the Dolomites.

Above the village of Santa Maddalena, the Sunnseitn trail once again turns into an asphalted farm road that joins trail no. 32 near the Bühler farm. It connects the Sunnseitnweg with the slightly higher panoramic trail, on which picturesque views of San Giacomo chapel, the Santa Maddalena church in Ranui and the Santa Maddalena church with the towering val di Funes Geisler peaks behind it unfold right at the beginning - it is precisely this perspective that attracts numerous photographers and amateur photographers to val di Funes valley every year.

Behind it, the panoramic path crosses gentle mixed forest slopes. At about the halfway point, a small connecting path branches off to the left, leading down to the already familiar Sunnseitnweg. Walk back along this trail to San Pietro, where you can round off the hike in one of the inviting cafés.


Santa Maddalena church with the Geisler peaks in the background

The plague monumento in val di Funes valley

The fateful year 1636, when the plague raged in val di Funes valley, has also found its way into tradition: Since many people, especially in Santa Maddalena, fell victim to the Black Death, it is said that the people of San Pietro denied the inhabitants of their neighboring village access to their village. They were allowed to approach it only up to the field where the plague monumento stands today.

Only one priest is said to have made his way to Santa Maddalena for the last rites. However, when he passed the field near today's monument, he was immediately overcome by the Black Death. Since no clergyman dared to go to Santa Maddalena from then on, the services are said to have been celebrated in the vicinity of the field - of course, keeping a safe distance...

Infos Val di Funes valley Sunnseitnweg

  • Duration:02:00 h
  • Length:6.9 km
  • Height gain:275 m

  • Min. elevation:1123 m
  • Max. elevation:1398 m

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